Men’s Fitness Build a Big Chest

Men’s Fitness Build a Big Chest by Joe Warner

If you would like to be the proud owner of impressive pecs in just eight weeks, this is the book for you. It contains a workout programme designed to rapidly improve the size and strength of your chest, while also building bigger and stronger arms, shoulders, back and legs, and burning fat to reveal the results of all your hard work. Training your back will make your chest stronger, training your arms and shoulders will result in a desirable V-shape torso, and training your legs releases growth hormone, which promotes the building of new lean muscle mass and instructs your body to burn fat. So not only will you have an amazing chest after just eight weeks, but you will have new lean muscle mass everywhere else too.

About the book 10
Workout structure 14
Know your muscles 16
Chest introduction 18
Chest in detail 20
How muscles grow 22
Muscle actions 24
Getting started 26
Workout checklist 28
Tracking your progress 30
Workout variables 32
Warm-up 36
Glossary 38
Q&A 4
Weeks 1-2
Introduction 44
Workout tables 48
Exercises 52
Weeks 3-4
Introduction 64
Workout tables 68
Exercises 72
Weeks 5-6
Introduction 84
Workout tables 88
Exercises 92
Weeks 7-8
Introduction 104
Workout tables 108
Exercises 112
Finishing touches 124
Introduction 128
Seven food rules 130
Carbohydrates 134
Meal plan 136
Q&A 140
Muscle builders 142
Health boosters 144

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