Exercise for Older Adults : Ace’s Guide for Fitness Professionals

  Exercise for Older Adults : ACE’s Guide for Fitness Professionals presents the most current, complete picture of the knowledge, instructional and communication techniques that fitness professionals who work with older adults need to provide safe and effective exercise programming for their clients. It is designed to serve as a comprehensive resource to help you in your day-to-day practice.

We brought together top experts from the fields of exercise physiology and psychology who specialize in the specific needs of older adults to develop a manual that meets the growing demand for clear and comprehensive guidelines for fitness professionals who wish to better serve this growing community. Each chapter is a building block of knowledge, arranged logically to give you an understanding of the basic principles and skills inherent to working with older adults.

The physiological and functional changes associated with aging and their effects on exercise are detailed in Chapter 1, while Chapter 2 explores the most effective ways to communicate with older adults. Specific, insightful methods to encourage the adoption of healthful habits are given, as well as insight on how to help clients set goals and provide sufficient motivation to achieve them.

Building upon the knowledge gained in Chapter 1, Chapter 3 covers age-related medical conditions and, most importantly, how to adapt exercise programs accordingly. The physiological and psychological effects of medications common to older adults also are discussed. Chapter 4 offers a comprehensive assessment protocol, with a broad range of tools to improve information gathering.
Even very fit older adults are likely to have different tastes and requirements regarding the types of activities they find enjoyable. Chapter 5 presents a variety of modes and techniques appropriate for an older population. From warm-up to cool-down, this chapter includes comprehensive guidelines and ideas for modifications, and includes options for both chair-based and water-based exercises.
Finally, Chapter 6 explains how to use the pre-exercise assessment results to structure both individual and group exercise programs for seniors, as well as how to lead older clients and class members in cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training.

Whether you are an activity director, personal trainer, health educator or fitness facility manager, you will benefit from this valuable resource. If you are familiar with the older adult population, you understand the challenge and rewards that come from focusing on this under-served group. Your challenge is to learn how to apply this information in a way that is appealing, brings about results, and ensures the long-term success of your older adult clients. In addition to enriching and expanding your career, your rewards come from not only helping older adults achieve their personal fitness goals, but live healthier lives as well.

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